How Can We Help You Today?

For Immediate Help:
Support by Telephone: 617‐444‐8500
Support by Email: CONTACT US
Support Online Resources: Go to HELP in the toolbar of your clinivation applications for videos, search by topic, and FAQs.
Product Support: clinivation Technical Support Services.
Your clinivation Technical Support Services team partners with you to keep your clinivation products up‐to‐date and running
We offer flexible service levels matched to your specific technical support needs‐ including 24x7x365 enterprise support.
To receive product support provided by clinivation Technical Support Services, your clinivation products must be properlylicensed.
Professional Support: clinivation Professional Support Services.
In addition to Technical Support Services, we offer full Professional Support Services for all clinivation solutions and products.
As a managed services provider, we support our clients with specialized industry professionals and professional support
delivery models that range from fully‐outsourced solution management to on‐demand incident support and case research.
Unlike traditional consulting approaches, clinivation Professional Support Services delivers content, insights, and data directly
into your platforms and teams to sustain growth, innovation, and value creation.
Product News, Alerts, and Advisories.
Licensed named users and registered technical contacts receive product news, alerts, and advisories by email.
Product Version Information.
Registered technical contacts receive the latest version and minimum supported version information by email.