Your Vision Begins the Journey.

Clarify Your Journey to Effective, Proven Solutions.
Executives often experience a certain organizational inertia when addressing complex business situations.
Exploratory learning is often required to clarify the scope, magnitude, and specifics of the pivotal issues, and to formulate a rational framework for decision‐making and planning.
Our Innovation Workshops are designed to clarify your journey to effective, proven solutions.
And because our team of professionals and partners has successfully addressed some of the most complex challenges for hundreds of companies in your industry, our Innovation Workshops can save you from weeks or months of opacity and uncertainty.
We plan and run our Innovation Workshops to deliver tangible, actionable results. Our engagement is flexible, driven by your vision and working goals, and generally includes: confidentiality assurances; pre‐workshop executive interviews, goal explorations, issue scoping, and briefings; planning, staffing, and agenda development; client team communications; full‐day, facilitated discussions; and post‐workshop reporting, issue resolution, and clarifications of working solutions.
Our experienced facilitators enable everyone to contribute as full participants. And a senior member of our professional staff will serve as your dedicated client executive throughout the entire engagement.
We conduct innovation workshops at our Cambridge, MA and Palo Alto, CA office sites.